Vision via c/o H Street Main Street, Wuiping Yap


What people are saying…

“You won’t see the neighborhood the same way again. The tour on H Street NE was life-changing for some in our group.”

— Cary Umhau, Breadcoin and SPACIOUS Consulting

“Our Justice Walk was an amazing experience. Our guide illuminated many hidden gems in the community and also clearly demonstrate the impact of gentrification on the native residents.  I won't ever see the neighborhood the same and am now looking at other communities in DC similarly.”

— Michelle Edwards, Executive Director, Live it Learn It

“This tour opened my eyes to a different history than what you typically think of when you tour Washington, DC. Justice Walks provides such an interesting perspective and really makes you think about the impact you're having on the city and how to engage with the communities that were here long before us.”

— Melody, neighbor in DC since 2011